The Farm
Maintaining and increasing biodiversity is central to every decision made about Stonemeal Farm. Our farm is not just about sheep production, it is about the natural vegetation, pasture species, tree plantings, water environments and so much more. Underlying this holistic approach is treating the soil as a living organism with as much biodiversity below the ground as above it.
Most importantly our focus is the remineraliastion of the soil and supporting soil biology by using bio-mineral fertilisers and selected microbial inputs through the GrowSafe® program, which is in contrast to the high chemical farming systems that dominate the farming industry. This results in healthy, high quality and nutrient dense food without the use of pesticides. Stonemeal Farm began with our personal belief that chemical use is always the last resort and that by preserving and supporting environmental health, everyone can deliver outstanding levels of quality productivity. Stonemeal Farm is the founding farm for Australian Mineral Fertilisers and the GrowSafe® program.